
ArchiMate is widely accepted as the industry standard diagramming notation capable of documenting every aspect of an enterprise architecture. Purpose built applications exist for creating ArchiMate diagrams in this formal notation and the best of these have a method for extracting useful information and generating reports from the application.

To get full value from your ArchiMate diagrams it is best practice to use a consistent approach for how the notation is used. A consistent modelling approach like this is often referred to as a "meta model". The Bergen EA application is based on a pre-defined meta model that can be perfectly represented in ArchiMate.

When ArchiMate diagrams are created in a consistent manner this greatly assists the generation of useful reports and also allows you to create novel and bespoke queries of the data that may not have been anticipated when the diagrams were initially created.

The Bergenhoos consultants have proven experience of creating models either directly in Bergen EA or as a coherent set of ArchiMate diagrams. These ArchiMate diagrams can either be created using the Bergen EA meta-model, or can be tailored according to your own modelling requirements.

Bergenhoos consultants can use any in-house ArchiMate diagramming tool or assist with your tool choice selection. In addition we can also assist in the creation of reporting extracts from the ArchiMate application.

If no other factors are in play, Bergenhoos recommends Archi as the tool choice as it is free, comprehensive and has flexible reporting facilities.